Members of the Secretariat come from the School of Leaders, and should always see itself as being of service to the whole Movement. Being a member of the Secretariat does not remove one from being part of the School, rather their selection places them in a position to be of even greater service to the Movement.
The Secretariat accelerates the total work of the Movement in its three phases (Precursillo, Cursillo and Postcursillo). Authority to do so comes from the local bishop who charges the Secretariat to implement the Movement according to the norms and guidelines established by the National Secretariat.
Vision/Mission Statement:
National Cursillo Statement:
The Cursillo movement, an agent of change serves as a catalyst for the Christian transformation for the person and of society’s moral and ethical values. This is accomplished through a unified national, regional and diocesan effort.
Diocese of Birmingham Vision/Mission Statement:
The Cursillo movement of the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama is a living Catholic Community reliant on the Holy Spirit by working through the interaction of: Piety, Study and Action; evangelizing our environments to make a Friend, be a Friend and bring that Friend to Christ!
Diocese of Birmingham Cursillo – Secretariat Goals
Live Cursillo in our daily lives – Piety, Study & Action
Prepare a Pastoral plan and present to Bishop
Identify and mentor potential leaders within the Movement
Make sure all weekend teams are properly trained with adequate resources for the weekend
Weekend Rollo’s prepared, practiced and critiqued in advance of the weekend
Re-energize the Palanca subcommittee
Provide a day of reflection open to all
Sponsorship training – for those new to sponsorship (first year Cursillistas) as well as current Cursillistas
Energize the SOL so that all future team members are regular SOL attendees
Define a schedule for SOL to visit the Ultreya’s of the Diocese
Provide Ultreya facilitator training
Hold Grand Ultreya, June, 2015
Stand up Communications Subcommitee
Organize a pilgrimage to World Meeting of Families in Philadelpia, PA, Sept 20-27, 2015
Encourage attendance at Regional and National Encounters
Secretariat Minutes January 2014
Secretariat Minutes November 2013
September 2013 Secretariat Minutes
August 2013 Secretariat Minutes
Archive of Secretariat Minutes by Year
Birmingham Cursillo Secretariat Members
Secretariat Position | Name | |
Bishop | Steven Raica | |
Spiritual Advisor | Deacon David Hicks | |
Diocesan Lay Coordinator | John Kutsor | |
Secretary | Beth Taylor | |
Treasurer | Tom Barnette | |
School of Leaders Chair | Robin Kutsor | |
Pre-Cursillo Chair | Donna Tamas | |
Cursillo Chair | George Lake | |
Post-Cursillo Chair | Debbie Drescheer | |