
As Cursillistas, we are taught that our spiritual growth relies on Piety, Study, and Action. This page is to help us with the Study aspect of our Catholic Faith, and to help us live out our faith in evangelizing others.  It includes several videos chosen, in no particular order, that you might find helpful.  We cannot effectively evangelize others if we do not know our Catholic faith.  And, we can study our Catholic faith all our lives and never know it all.  As the old Latin phrase goes, Nemo dat quod non habet. (We cannot give what we do not have.)

(Tip: If you hover your mouse on the bottom right side of a video while it’s playing, you can make it full-screen, or go to YouTube to watch it.)

If we could actually see everything that is going on at Mass, this would be an outstanding depiction of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!

Cursillo – Its Origins, Mentality, and Purpose


The amazing story of conversion of Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz, responsible for over 2 million deaths.


Our Lady of Sorrows – by Fr. Ripperger

Conversion story of Roy Shoeman, son of Jewish Holocaust survivors, went to M.I.T., became atheist, then God and the Virgin Mary appeared to him.  He is now a very faithful Catholic.  He goes to daily Mass most days.

Roy Shoeman, Harvard professor, discusses science and faith.  Science and faith, properly understood, never contradict one another.  This is the first in a series of talks given by Roy.  The series is outstanding.


Bishop Barron on the rise of the Nones (those who claim no religious affiliation).

Bishop Robert Barron on Silence and the Meaning of the Mass.  Excellent video!

Bishop Robert Barron on the Enlightenment.  Very informative!

Bishop Barron on the Love, Tolerance, and Making Distinctions.  He differentiates the difference between important things.

Fr. Chad Ripperger on Discerning God’s Will.  Excellent and informative!  Fr. Ripperger is a well-known exorcist.

Fr. Ripperger on the Levels of Spiritual Warfare.  Fr. Ripperger is a well-known exorcist.  He has six college degrees and is the real deal.

Fr. Ripperger on Spiritual Protection.  As an exorcist of the Church, Fr. Ripperger has great insight into the spiritual battles we face.

Fr. Chad Ripperger on Spiritual Warfare Training: Deliverance of the Family.  Excellent and informative!  

Fr. Ripperger on the Influcence of Music.  Fr. Ripperger is a well-known exorcist.  He has six college degrees and is the real deal.

Bishop Robert Barron speaks on Morality, Character, and Relationships.  He did this one before he was ordained a bishop.  But, it’s excellent!

he Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  It’s not just a benign image, but contains many miracles.  Sharing miracles and the transcendent is a good way to begin evangelizing.


Talk Show about Scientific Evidence of Eucharistic Miracles.  Very nice format.  Really strong Catholic men!